Embedding your tour on your website
This is an example of how to embed a virtual tour (VT) into your web page. Using the URL that I supply which will point to the VT that I host on my site, you place the URL inside the iframe code. This iframe code is then placed onto your web page.
This is a basic website building function which your site designer should be familiar with. If not, contact me.
This is the code that generates this page's virtual tour:
<iframe width=900 height=500 frameborder=2 src="https://s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/sppp.sandbox.230220/index.html" scrolling="no"></iframe>
And these are the definitions of the various parts of the code:
width=900 height=500
This is the size measured in pixels that the frame will be on your web page. You can adjust the values of these to adjust the size relative to other content on your page. These variables are probably the only adjustments that you need to make to the iframe code that I provide you for your VT.
This value adjusts for the size of the little grey border around the frame.
This is the source ("src") for the VT, which is originating from my AWS servers. I will provide this.
Leave this as is
If you want to view this sample virtual tour directly, go to: