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Your New Virtual Tour Template

Please review this Virtual Tour and determine which foreground elements you would like to use. By foreground elements, I'm referring to the graphic items which are static on the page and not floating around with the image itself. 

See a list below for the elements in this tour.  I can remove these elements and add others as you would like, so that we can lock in this tour "template".  Identifying which of these elements to use in the tour template is then applied to all of the tour links which will be provided.

From that point, the actual images would be added and then grouped by suite, in which each would have a direct link strictly for that area.

This is the template as it exists now, using the Pacific Gateway Amenity Center images as a reference.

List of foreground elements in this tour:

  • Property Logo - Upper left.  This is consistent with all suite tours for this building.

  • Area Title - Upper center.  This is the name of the feature area, or suite number featured in this tour.

  • Previous/Next Buttons - Center left and right.  These buttons move the scene either to the previous or next scene in the tour.  This feature does NOT advance the tour to other suites.

  • EQ Office Logo - Lower right.  When clicked on, a new browser window opens to the home page.  This is what it is by default.  Let me know if you would like something different.

  • Main Control Bar - Bottom center.  Right now the only function listed is the pause pan feature.  There are other options, but sometime less is more.

  • Leasing Contact button - Bottom left.  Clicking this opens a display card featuring a contact name.  Let me know who I should list.  It could be one or multiple people.

If you want to view this sample virtual tour directly, go to:

Please contact me​ if you need further assistance.

Steven Perry Professional Photography
Office (951) 251-4373 | Cell (951) 743-5355
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